PAYG Charge per 60 sec (Excl. GST) |
Afghanistan | AFG | $1.913068 |
Albania | ALB | $1.062542 |
Algeria | DZA | $1.913068 |
American Samoa | ASM | $2.720020 |
Andorra | AND | $0.691322 |
Angola | AGO | $1.171860 |
Anguilla | AIA | $1.325244 |
Antarctica | ATA | $7.228602 |
Antigua and Barbuda | ATG | $1.156576 |
Argentina | ARG | $0.626039 |
Argentina (mobile) | ARG | $1.255003 |
Armenia | ARM | $1.193262 |
Aruba | ABW | $0.952762 |
Ascension Island | SHN | $8.734561 |
Austria | AUT | $0.743785 |
Austria (mobile) | AUT | $1.482416 |
Azerbaijan | AZE | $1.193262 |
Bahamas | BHS | $0.797561 |
Bahrain | BHR | $1.142914 |
Bangladesh | BGD | $0.964771 |
Bangladesh (mobile) | BGD | $1.300732 |
Barbados | BRB | $1.037445 |
Belarus | BLR | $1.721222 |
Belgium | BEL | $0.613721 |
Belgium (mobile) | BEL | $1.371250 |
Belize | BLZ | $2.564358 |
Benin | BEN | $3.887723 |
Bermuda | BMU | $0.797715 |
Bhutan | BTN | $1.738313 |
Bolivia | BOL | $1.037445 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | BIH | $1.199574 |
Bosnia-Herzegovina Mobile | BIH | $1.734865 |
Botswana | BWA | $1.265781 |
Brazil | BRA | $0.704563 |
Brazil (mobile) | BRA | $1.270246 |
Brunei | BRN | $0.727659 |
Bulgaria | BGR | $1.475179 |
Burkina Faso | BFA | $3.887723 |
Burundi | BDI | $3.887723 |
Cabo Verde | CPV | $3.887723 |
Cambodia | KHM | $1.134753 |
Cambodia (mobile) | KHM | $1.224517 |
Cameroon | CMR | $1.913068 |
Canada | CAN | $0.610642 |
Cayman Islands | CYM | $1.007729 |
Central African Republic | CAF | $4.909426 |
Chad | TCD | $2.891441 |
Chile | CHL | $0.579078 |
Chile (mobile) | CHL | $1.247613 |
China | CHN | $0.365723 |
China (mobile) | CHN | $0.363692 |
Colombia | COL | $1.037445 |
Comoro Islands | COM | $1.518599 |
Congo (formerly Zaire) | COG | $2.258938 |
Congo Democratic Republic | COD | $1.927627 |
Cook Islands | COK | $3.800730 |
Costa Rica | CRI | $0.789862 |
Côte d’Ivoire | CIV | $5.120260 |
Croatia | HRV | $0.903575 |
Croatia (mobile) | HRV | $2.108342 |
Cuba | CUB | $3.845382 |
Cyprus | CYP | $0.739052 |
Cyprus (mobile) | CYP | $0.919658 |
Czech Republic | CZE | $0.821426 |
Czech Republic Mobile | CZE | $1.270708 |
Denmark | DNK | $0.614799 |
Denmark (mobile) | DNK | $1.361858 |
Diego Garcia | IOT | $5.933478 |
Djibouti | DJI | $1.913068 |
Dominica | DMA | $3.845382 |
Dominican Republic | DOM | $0.797561 |
East Timor | TLS | $6.384488 |
Ecuador | ECU | $1.037445 |
Egypt | EGY | $1.113352 |
Egypt Mobile | EGY | $1.235757 |
El Salvador | SLV | $1.024052 |
Equatorial Guinea | GNQ | $2.168581 |
Eritrea | ERI | $1.913068 |
Estonia | EST | $3.313109 |
Ethiopia | ETH | $1.913068 |
Falkland Islands (Malvinas) | FLK | $8.192416 |
Faroe Islands | FRO | $1.909218 |
Fiji | FJI | $1.345383 |
Fiji (mobile) | FJI | $1.736465 |
Finland | FIN | $0.699482 |
Finland (mobile) | FIN | $2.291062 |
Former Yugoslav Rep of Macedonia | MKD | $1.065467 |
Former Yugoslav Rep of Macedonia (mobile) | MKD | $1.828234 |
France | FRA | $0.576307 |
France (mobile) | FRA | $1.058538 |
French Guiana | GUF | $1.185255 |
French Polynesia | PYF | $1.261932 |
Gabon | GAB | $3.887723 |
Gambia | GMB | $9.035753 |
Georgia | GEO | $1.193262 |
Germany | DEU | $0.363323 |
Germany (mobile) | DEU | $0.861046 |
Ghana | GHA | $1.265005 |
Gibraltar | GIB | $2.113228 |
Globalstar | NAA | $24.501586 |
Greece | GRC | $0.618340 |
Greece (mobile) | GRC | $1.682884 |
Greenland | GRL | $1.909218 |
Grenada & Carriacou | GRD | $2.564358 |
Guadeloupe | GLP | $1.238375 |
Guam | GUM | $1.207119 |
Guantanamo | USA | $4.819068 |
Guatemala | GTM | $1.037445 |
Guinea | GIN | $3.887723 |
Guinea Bissau | GNB | $3.313109 |
Guyana | GUY | $1.903830 |
Haiti | HTI | $1.493911 |
Holy See (Vatican City State) | VAT | $0.689012 |
Honduras | HND | $1.700282 |
Hong Kong | HKG | $0.364431 |
Hong Kong (mobile) | HKG | $0.362215 |
Hungary | HUN | $0.726427 |
Hungary (mobile) | HUN | $1.411898 |
Iceland | ISL | $1.365707 |
India | IND | $0.683077 |
India (mobile) | IND | $0.653354 |
Indonesia | IDN | $0.861458 |
Indonesia (mobile) | IDN | $1.086253 |
Inmarsat – BGAN | NAA | $47.140144 |
Inmarsat Aero – Atlantic Ocean West | NAA | $21.760933 |
Inmarsat B | NAA | $11.137056 |
Inmarsat B – Single Num Access Code | NAA | $47.140144 |
Inmarsat GAN ISDN | NAA | $23.634277 |
Inmarsat M | NAA | $6.389723 |
Inmarsat Mini M | NAA | $5.363210 |
Iran | IRN | $0.881628 |
Iran (mobile) | IRN | $0.722860 |
Iraq | IRQ | $1.303504 |
Ireland | IRL | $0.603559 |
Ireland (mobile) | IRL | $1.328447 |
Iridium Satellite | NAA | $8.677706 |
Israel | ISR | $0.627579 |
Israel (mobile) | ISR | $0.819886 |
Italy | ITA | $0.363323 |
Italy (mobile) | ITA | $0.935446 |
Jamaica | JAM | $1.234886 |
Japan | JPN | $0.667457 |
Japan (mobile) | JPN | $1.071780 |
Jordan | JOR | $0.998183 |
Jordan (mobile) | JOR | $1.240376 |
Kazakhstan | KAZ | $1.193262 |
Kenya | KEN | $1.044373 |
Kenya (mobile) | KEN | $1.529376 |
Kiribati | KIR | $5.782882 |
Kuwait | KWT | $1.200652 |
Kyrgyzstan | KGZ | $1.193262 |
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or choose your own plan below.
PAYG Charge per 60 sec (Excl. GST) |
Laos | LAO | $1.311972 |
Latvia | LVA | $2.978595 |
Lebanon | LBN | $0.875469 |
Lebanon (mobile) | LBN | $1.855791 |
Lesotho | LSO | $2.032856 |
Liberia | LBR | $2.228819 |
Libya | LBY | $1.948635 |
Liechtenstein | LIE | $0.704101 |
Lithuania | LTU | $2.947871 |
Luxembourg | LUX | $0.771078 |
Macau | MAC | $0.739052 |
Madagascar | MDG | $2.891441 |
Malawi | MWI | $1.400542 |
Malaysia | MYS | $0.392677 |
Malaysia (mobile) | MYS | $0.395262 |
Maldive Islands | MDV | $3.945612 |
Mali | MLI | $1.685301 |
Malta | MLT | $0.972778 |
Malta (mobile) | MLT | $2.151874 |
Marshall Islands | MHL | $1.738313 |
Martinique | MTQ | $1.268091 |
Mauritania | MRT | $3.887723 |
Mauritius | MUS | $1.150150 |
Mayotte | MYT | $2.118771 |
MCP Maritime Comms | NAA | $24.501586 |
Mexico | MEX | $1.042834 |
Micronesia (Federated States of) | FSM | $2.650488 |
Moldova | MDA | $1.644883 |
Monaco | MCO | $1.032518 |
Mongolia | MNG | $2.047791 |
Montenegro | MNE | $1.656555 |
Montserrat | MSR | $1.385482 |
Morocco | MAR | $1.913068 |
Mozambique | MOZ | $1.704439 |
Myanmar (Burma) | MMR | $1.738313 |
Namibia | NAM | $1.155693 |
Nauru | NRU | $4.367281 |
Nepal | NPL | $1.348770 |
Netherlands | NLD | $0.594475 |
Netherlands (mobile) | NLD | $1.398964 |
Netherlands Antilles | ANT | $1.025127 |
New Caledonia | NCL | $1.523526 |
New Zealand | NZL | $0.365723 |
New Zealand (mobile) | NZL | $0.978831 |
Nicaragua | NIC | $1.040216 |
Niger | NER | $1.867389 |
Nigeria | NGA | $1.119356 |
Niue | NIU | $7.830986 |
Norfolk Island | NFK | $6.806934 |
North Korea | PRK | $7.489987 |
Northern Mariana Islands | MNP | $2.564358 |
Norway | NOR | $0.582466 |
Norway (mobile) | NOR | $1.348770 |
Oman | OMN | $1.428527 |
Pakistan | PAK | $1.004803 |
Pakistan (mobile) | PAK | $1.124437 |
Palau | PLW | $3.763932 |
Palestine | PSE | $0.731896 |
Panama | PAN | $0.952762 |
Papua New Guinea | PNG | $3.124190 |
Paraguay | PRY | $1.040216 |
Peru | PER | $0.810340 |
Philippines | PHL | $0.640431 |
Philippines (mobile) | PHL | $0.833538 |
Poland | POL | $0.648672 |
Poland (mobile) | POL | $1.410358 |
Portugal | PRT | $0.648672 |
Portugal (mobile) | PRT | $2.408932 |
Puerto Rico | PRI | $0.667611 |
Qatar | QAT | $1.813450 |
Reunion Island | REU | $1.325244 |
Romania | ROU | $0.890404 |
Romania (mobile) | ROU | $1.552010 |
Russian Federation | RUS | $4.895035 |
Russian Federation Mobile | RUS | $0.973477 |
Rwanda | RWA | $1.445720 |
Saint Helena Ascension and Tristan da Cunha | SHN | $25.229629 |
Saint Kitts and Nevis | KNA | $2.564358 |
Saint Lucia | LCA | $2.564358 |
Saint Pierre and Miquelon | SPM | $2.258938 |
Saint Vincent and The Grenadines | VCT | $2.564358 |
Samoa | WSM | $2.665547 |
San Marino | SMR | $4.939545 |
Sao Tome and Principe | STP | $7.830986 |
Saudi Arabia | SAU | $1.427757 |
Saudi Arabia (mobile) | SAU | $1.254541 |
Seanet Maritime | NAA | $24.501586 |
Senegal | SEN | $1.913068 |
Serbia | SRB | $0.771848 |
Serbia (mobile) | SRB | $1.746912 |
Seychelles | SYC | $3.548221 |
Sierra Leone | SLE | $3.887723 |
Singapore | SGP | $0.362215 |
Singapore (mobile) | SGP | $0.362215 |
Sint Maarten | ANT | $1.025127 |
Slovakia | SVK | $0.780778 |
Slovenia | SVN | $0.692862 |
Solomon Islands | SLB | $3.584182 |
Solomon Islands Mobile | SLB | $4.819068 |
Somalia | SOM | $1.913068 |
South Africa | ZAF | $0.721038 |
South Africa (mobile) | ZAF | $1.475795 |
South Korea | KOR | $0.614799 |
South Korea (mobile) | KOR | $0.763841 |
South Sudan | SSD | $1.987866 |
Spain | ESP | $0.603559 |
Spain (mobile) | ESP | $1.414669 |
Sri Lanka | LKA | $1.101342 |
Sri Lanka (mobile) | LKA | $1.114891 |
Sudan | SDN | $1.265781 |
Suriname | SUR | $1.268091 |
Swaziland | SWZ | $1.522910 |
Sweden | SWE | $0.600942 |
Sweden (mobile) | SWE | $1.370018 |
Switzerland | CHE | $0.614799 |
Switzerland (mobile) | CHE | $2.290313 |
Syria | SYR | $1.547391 |
Taiwan | TWN | $0.579078 |
Taiwan (mobile) | TWN | $0.846215 |
Tajikistan | TJK | $1.838393 |
Tanzania | TZA | $1.867389 |
Telespazio | NAA | $24.501586 |
Thailand | THA | $0.416308 |
Thuraya Satellite Telecommunications | NAA | $10.545353 |
Togo | TGO | $1.716793 |
Tokelau | TKL | $7.830986 |
Tonga | TON | $2.720020 |
Trinidad and Tobago | TTO | $3.845382 |
Tunisia | TUN | $3.252871 |
Turkey | TUR | $0.848063 |
Turkey (mobile) | TUR | $1.216511 |
Turkmenistan | TKM | $1.838393 |
Turks and Caicos Islands | TCA | $1.505959 |
Tuvalu | TUV | $6.023835 |
Uganda | UGA | $1.505959 |
Ukraine | UKR | $1.213803 |
United Arab Emirates | ARE | $1.175555 |
United Arab Emirates (mobile) | ARE | $1.433454 |
United Kingdom | GBR | $0.361846 |
United Kingdom (mobile) | GBR | $0.702092 |
Uruguay | URY | $0.964771 |
Uruguay (mobile) | URY | $1.419750 |
USA | USA | $0.367200 |
Uzbekistan | UZB | $1.838393 |
Vanuatu | VUT | $3.011315 |
Venezuela | VEN | $0.810340 |
Vietnam | VNM | $0.808615 |
Vietnam (mobile) | VNM | $0.818031 |
Virgin Islands British | VGB | $3.887723 |
Virgin Islands US | VIR | $0.667611 |
Wallis & Futuna Islands | WLF | $2.564358 |
Yemen | YEM | $1.265781 |
Zambia | ZMB | $1.873413 |
Zimbabwe | ZWE | $0.725349 |
Zimbabwe (mobile) | ZWE | $2.032071 |
Critical Information Summary
Information about the service
The Business BYO Mobile plan (Plan) is for a post-paid mobile phone service. You’ll get access to our network, a mobile phone number, be able to make and receive calls, send and receive messages, and access mobile data.
Bring your own (BYO) Handset or Mobile Repayment Option (MRO)
You can bring your own Telstra Mobile Network-compatible handset to use with the Plan. Check that your handset supports 3G-850MHz, 4G 1800MHz, 4G 700MHz and Telstra’s other mobile network frequencies to ensure you get the best possible experience on our network. Check your device manual or manufacturer’s website. See for more information.
You can also purchase a handset at an additional cost to use with your Plan by taking up a Mobile Repayment Option (MRO). Depending on the handset you choose, you may have to pay an amount upfront and make monthly interest-free repayments, which we will inform you about beforehand.
If you cancel your Plan or MRO early, you’ll have to pay any remaining MRO payments and pay any Early Termination Charges (ETC) for your Plan.
Minimum term
12 months
Accessory Repayment Option
You can choose an Accessory Repayment Option (ARO) to buy mobile accessories, for which you’ll be charged monthly interest-free payments. If you cancel your ARO, you’ll have
to pay the remaining cost of the accessories.
Data Sharing
Additional Data Share SIMs can be purchased for $5/mth per SIM (limit of 5 Data Share SIMs per service). Data is shared between your Plan and any extra Data Share SIMs. Your data will also automatically be pooled with all Business Mobile, Business Lease Mobile, Business Mobile Broadband, My Business Mobile Data, My Business Mobile, My Business Mobile Lease, Go Business Mobile, Go Business Data Share SIMs, Go Business Mobile Broadband Share, TMB Business Share Plans, Small Business Voice and Data Packs, Easy Share Business,
Easy Share Data Share SIMs, Business Performance plans and Business Performance Data Share packages (Eligible Services). Data Share SIMs can’t be used in a mobile handset. You can also purchase a compatible SIM-ready device on an MRO, to use with any additional Data Share SIMs you may have purchased.
Monthly Call Allowance
Refer to the above plan table – any unused Monthly Call Allowance expires each month. You can use your Monthly Call Allowance for most types of national direct dial calls, video calls and messages made in Australia to standard Australian numbers, including voice calls to most 11xx, 13xx, and 12xx, calls and SMS to most satellite phones, diversion within Australia to xed numbers with only an 02, 03, 07 or 08 area code or mobile numbers commencing with only 04xx and any other calls or messages determined by us. Calls to 18xx numbers are free on this Plan. Your Plan includes unlimited standard SMS, MMS, and MessageBank® retrieval and diversion, and iPhone MSG Bank Plus.
The $79 and $99 Plans also include unlimited international calls and SMS from Australia to standard international numbers in
15 Eligible Destinations ($79 Plan) or to any destination ($99 Plan).
Monthly Data Allowance
Refer to the above plan table – any unused allowance expires each month. Your monthly Data Allowance can be shared between all Eligible Services.
Free intra-account calls
Make free voice and video calls to other eligible plans on the same account in Australia.
Free Telstra Air® Wi-Fi Data
You can access free Wi-Fi data at Telstra Air hotspots in Australia and Fon Spots overseas. Download the Telstra Air app or visit to activate Telstra Air.
What’s not included
Calls and services not listed as included cost extra (e.g. premium number calls and SMS/MMS). You must pay us for this use separately. See the charges at
The Monthly Call Allowance, SMS and MMS on the $39 and $59 Plan doesn’t include calls or messages to international numbers from Australia.
Your Domestic Monthly Call and Data Allowances, unlimited SMS and MMS can’t be used while you’re overseas.
Information about pricing
Minimum monthly charge
Your minimum monthly charge includes:
• your monthly Plan value plus MRO payments
• any charges for usage above or outside your Plan’s inclusions and • the cost of any extras, like Data Share SIMs or ARO payments.
If you use more than your Monthly Call or Data Allowance per month, or use your service for things not included in your Plan, you’ll have to pay more than your monthly Plan value.
Calls in Australia
The main charge used to calculate your call allowance is: • national calls – $1 per 60-second block or part blocks.
It will cost $2 to make a standard 2 minute national mobile call.
Based on standard national mobile calls of 2 minutes duration, each month you can make 500 calls on the $39 Plan. The unlimited call allowance will not incur charges for standard calls made within Australia.
Calls, SMS and MMS to international numbers
You’ll be charged for MMS and, where not included in your Plan, for calls and SMS to international numbers. The main charges are: • calls – see call rates at
• SMS – 50¢ per message per recipient • MMS – 75¢ per message per recipient.
For $10/mth you can receive an International Calling Pack including International standard calls from Australia to 45 Destinations.
For information on business international calling packs visit
Using your service overseas
Unless you have chosen to opt out, Business BYO Mobile Plans are automatically activated with International Roaming. You have an International Day Pass activated which, for an additional charge per day, allows you to make and receive unlimited standard voice calls/ SMS and includes 200MB data (non-shared) for use each day (AEST) when travelling in eligible roaming countries. If you use more than your included data allowance on your International Day Pass, we’ll automatically add extra data to your service in blocks of 500MB for $10.
Calls/SMS/MMS will be charged at international roaming rates (refer to and mobile data at $3 per MB (charged per KB or part) where you:
• use your mobile outside of eligible roaming countries
• choose to opt out of your International Day Pass.
For more information and pricing visit or refer to the International Day Pass Critical Information Summary.
Visit for information on spend management tools while you’re overseas.
iPhone is a trade mark of Apple Inc. registered in the U.S. and other countries. TM are trade marks and ® are registered trade marks of Airtel Corporation Limited ABN 75 621 005 141.
For help with technical issues while overseas, call our 24/7 Helpdesk on +61 439 12 5109. Visit to manage your international roaming usage.
Extra Data
If you go over your Plan’s Monthly Data Allowance (or your monthly shared data allowance, if you have eligible shared services), we’ll automatically add Extra Data in 1GB blocks for $10 for use that month in Australia. Extra Data is shared between Eligible Services on your account.
Minimum cost
The total minimum amount that you’ll need to pay over the term of your Plan is described in the table above (plus any MRO and ARO payments).
Early Termination Charge (ETC)
If you cancel your Plan before the end of your 12 month term, you will need to pay us an ETC and any remaining MRO and ARO payments. The ETC for your Plan is described in the table above.
Other information
Billing and important information about you rst bill
When you start or change your Plan part way through a billing period, your rst bill will have additional charges.
To opt into receiving paperless billing, visit to request an email bill and/or set up direct debit. For more billing information go to
Manage your service online
To view billing information online, register for Online Bill at Track your estimated Australian mobile data usage via our Telstra 24×7® App.
We’ll send you SMS alerts within 48 hours of you reaching 50%, 85% and 100% of your Monthly Data Allowance or register and access our Mobile Data Usage Meter at SMS alerts can be set up to send usage noti cations at both the individual or account level.
Business Demand Data
Refer to the plan table above to determine if you are eligible for Business Demand Data (BDD). On rare occasions there can be unexpected surges in data traf c that can impact 4G mobile download performance, BDD can help provide a more reliable
and consistent data connection on the Telstra Mobile Network during these times. BDD will be automatically enabled on all eligible plans.
User download experience during these times is still likely to be poorer than usual.
Mobile coverage
You can access 4GX coverage if you have a 4GX compatible device and are in a 4GX coverage area. If you’re outside 4GX areas or if you have a 4G or 3G device, you’ll receive access to our 4G or 3G coverage. Mobile coverage depends on a number of factors such as your device, location, surrounding landscape as well as the physical building
you may be using your device from. To nd out more visit
We’re here to help
Visit for more information. Call us on 1800 247 835 or 0394488940 (TTY) for
billing and technicial support enquiries.
Complaints or disputes
If you need to make a complaint you can:
• call 1800 247 835 and say “complaint”
• call your Account Representative if you have one • visit
Further investigation
If we can’t resolve your complaint to your satisfaction, you can contact the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman by phone on 1800 062 058. For full contact information go online at
This is a summary only – the full legal terms for this Plan are contained in your agreement with Airtel and Our Customer Terms which is available at